I am not your typical coach. I am a gifted intuitive, numerologist, entrepreneur and best-selling author with a deeply rooted love for science. After studying biology in college, and then working for over a decade in Corporate America, I chose to leave to create a business that combines my unique intuitive talents with my knowledge and experience in business in order to help others unlock their powerful potential.
This has never been more essential than now. In these ever-changing times one thing has become clear…nothing will be the same. It is more important than ever to heighten our emotional mastery, awareness and willingness to let our talents and strengths guide us and our teams.
My mission is simple. I am here to help you understand yourself and your gifts in a deep profound way and unlock your true potential. I believe there is no braver act than living in alignment with your purpose. Shall we get started?
“The belief systems many of us hold are not the belief systems that support our alignment with our highest selves.”